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Conservative Dad’s New “Ultra Right Beer” Takes Bat to Bud Light in Commercial

By Seth Weathers April 12, 2023 0 comments

ATLANTA, GA – Conservative lifestyle brand, Freedom Speaks Up, has partnered with an Illinois brewery to launch a new beer brand to directly compete with Bud Light and other woke corporations. The new brand, “Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer”, is a 100% Woke-Free American Beer.

The brand launched today with the release of an online commercial that takes a literal bat to Bud Light.

“American’s have been buying beer from a company that doesn’t know which bathroom to use,” said Seth Weathers, Co-Founder, Ultra Right Beer.

Weathers continued, “Conservatives will no longer complain about big corporations who use our money to indoctrinate children with their woke garbage. We'll dump them and never look back.”

Ultra Right’s first beer is described as an “airy special golden ale blend”, American made in Rock Island, Il and is 100% Woke-Free. The beer is available online in 42 states at

“If you love America, our traditional values, and you know which restroom to use, Conservative Dad’s Ultra Right Beer is for you.” added Weathers.

View the new commercial on YouTube here:

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